Our strategy
Our strategy aims to bring us closer to our vision of a world where young women are valued, can make choices and look forward to a fairer financial future.
By leaving a gift in your Will, your values will live on long into the future.
Future generations of young women need your help. By leaving a gift in your will, you can be there for them.
You can talk to the team about leaving a gift to Young Women’s Trust in your will:
Email [email protected]
Phone 020 7837 2019
We’ve put together some simple steps to follow if you’d like to include Young Women’s Trust in your will.
The correct wording is crucial in any will. If you do remember Young Women’s Trust in your will, or have done so already, please use our registered charity number 217868.
If you already have a will, you can amend is very easily using a codicil form.
If you’d like to leave a gift to Young Women’s Trust, print and fill out the codicil form. Keep it with your will in a safe place, and send a copy to your executor.
You’re under no obligation to tell us if you’ve chosen to leave a gift to Young Women’s Trust and even if you do, you can of course change your will at any time. However, it would be very helpful if you could let us know your intentions.
We’d like to thank you and show you what your gift can achieve.
We’d love you to stay in touch so you can find out about our latest news and updates.
Our strategy aims to bring us closer to our vision of a world where young women are valued, can make choices and look forward to a fairer financial future.
There are 1 million young women in England and Wales struggling to live on low or no pay. Read how we are breaking down barriers to work for young women to build a fairer economic future.