My Work It Out coach helped me prioritise the life that I would like to lead

By Adeola • 10 August 2023

Adeola, a young woman who has used our Work It Out coaching and feedback service, as well as worked with us on developing our strategy, shares how her life has changed since using our services and being involved with our organisation.

Back in 2022, I was in a job that I enjoyed but felt that something was lacking and that I wasn’t reaching my full potential. I wanted to get out of that job as it was mentally exhausting. I had also been learning to drive from the age of 19/20 but couldn’t pass the driving test at the time. I had spent a lot of money on lessons and had given up driving for 2-3 years.

Working it out

A friend of mine had found out about Young Women’s Trust via Instagram. She had done a few sessions with a Work It Out coach and recommended it to me, so I thought I’d give it a try.

Working with Jane, my coach, helped me understand I have the power within to really create the life I want to live. For me, a job is not just about money but about purpose and fulfilment. I didn’t realise that I had been coasting in my existing job. I saw another job opportunity within my organisation I was working in which was different – I applied and got the job! My coach helped me prioritise the life that I wanted which led me to this. My new role is more about community development and connecting with others, which is defo more me!

I’ve also recently received CV feedback from a recruitment expert using the Work It Out service. I received such detailed feedback of many pages, which I have implemented.

Life changes

My coach also really helped me with my relationships. She spoke to me about nonviolent communication; how to phrase things differently to people. I also realised that before coaching, my weekends were never really for me. I was always doing things for other people, which meant that my weekends were always outsourced. My coach helped me make little changes in my actions, such as not committing to things just to seem helpful. This was life changing.

My coach also helped me with boundary setting and prioritising myself, reassuring me that it is okay to say no and not to offer help to others all the time.

I passed my driving test on my seventh attempt. My coach helped me understand that I had anxiety around driving and was putting a lot of pressure on myself. She encouraged me to try driving an automatic car rather than a manual one and it was within the same year of coaching that I passed my driving test. I felt even happier passing my driving test than I did at my university graduation because the struggle was ever so real!

Passing it forward

I am proud to have also helped develop Young Women’s Trust’s strategy and to have met other young women through this.

I’m happy to have shared the service with other young women I know, such as those who have just finished university and are looking for their next step. My coach really felt like a family friend.

It would be great if there was more support like this in schools– I had heard of mentoring before but not coaching. Not all young women have advocates and their coach may be the only person they have in their whole lives – which is why it’s so important to get the word out there and get young women the support they may need.