5 ways to boost confidence at a job interview

By Claire, professional career coach • 14 March 2024

Looking to level up your interview game? Join Claire, our career coach from our Work It Out service, as she offers advice and guidance on acing interviews during her upcoming webinar on 27 March.

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Ever felt the anxiety creeping in when faced with an impending interview? From fears of seeming nervous, to worries that the interview panel is trying to catch you out. I’m here to demystify the process and arm you with the confidence to face interviews head-on.

Reframe your perspective

First and foremost, interviews aren’t an interrogation; they’re your chance to shine. Try to reframe negative thoughts about the interview process. It is an opportunity to share your best self with the interview panel. They are hoping to see you at your best and they’re routing for you rather than trying to catch you out. Remember, they believe you’ve got what it takes, or you wouldn’t be there in the first place.

Interview preparation tips

  1. Know the criteria inside out. Read the person specification, it’s your roadmap and questions will usually be based on these criteria. Think up questions based on the criteria. Websites like Prospects and Google Interview Warmup can help with this.
  2. Practice makes perfect. Don’t just wing it; practice your answers. Whether solo, with a friend, or with the guidance of your Work It Out coach, rehearse until you exude confidence.
  3. STAR method. You can use the STAR method to structure the examples you give to questions, especially in interviews. It stands for:
  • Situation – the situation you had to deal with
  • Task – the task you were given to do
  • A – the action you took
  • Result – what happened because of your action and what you learned from the experience
  1. Refresh your memory. Read through your application before the interview. Remind yourself how you answered the criteria and why you’re the ideal candidate.
  2. Be your best advocate. Be prepared to talk about yourself. The first question is often something like “can you tell us a bit about yourself”. When asked about yourself, seize the opportunity. Share not only your achievements and skills but also sprinkle in a bit of your personality. It’s your moment to shine.

Curious for more insider tips? Join Claire in the free YWTea webinar on 27 March, where she’ll unravel the secrets to interviewing with confidence. Additionally, sign up for the free Work It Out service to receive personalised one-on-one coaching.