Actions to support young women video transcript

I’m a mum and I don’t stereotype the jobs which men and women should do.

I’m a line manager. And I make sure that I do my fair share of the notes and I do my fair share of making the tea because they’re jobs that young women shouldn’t always do.

I’m a manager. And at work, I provide training and share my network to help young women develop the skills they need to progress in their careers.

As a man, I will take time to educate others and pay close attention to statements about gender behaviour, with a particular focus on remarks such as ‘you cry like little girl’ or ‘that’s a boy’s job’.

I’m a friend and I’m going to pass on opportunities and share my networks.

I am a line manager. And I endorse and recommend the young women that I work with on LinkedIn to help boost their public career profile.

I’m a young woman and I’m committed to having an open conversation on salaries with my friends, more clarity on what people earn can help to and pay discrimination.

I’m a colleague and if a young woman is interrupted at work, in a meeting or even in an informal conversation, I call it out.
